Tuesday, June 1, 2010

and we continue to wait...

Blood test restults today again showed steady, but slow improvement. I am getting much closer, but still need to wait another week. We'll test again next Monday - and I will be admitted to the hospital that same day if my counts are high enough (it's a real good chance they will be high enough by then). This actually worked out good because I have another 2nd opinion appoinment this Thursday with one of these top doctors is this region on my specific type of cancer. My doctor consulted with him back in February after my 2nd opinion then and concluded to implement some of his suggestions. So, I wanted check in with him again just to make sure I am getting the best possible treatment and the best decisions are being made.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Eric! We found you! This is Janet Swenson & Bob Sprouse---we want to wish you All our Love and Prayers for you and your family! You have a beautiful family! Much Aloha, Bob & Janet (Carlsbad, CA)
