Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Got Blood?

My white count and platelet counts doubled in the past two days so that is good. But, red count went down just a bit (common after Chemo). That explains why I was napping often and frequently getting light headed for the past few days. So, I'll go in tomorrow morning for a 5 hour blood transfusion. After that, I should be feeling pretty normal. Still on schedule for the next 3-day hospital stay for Chemo next Monday. My weight is down a few pounds even though I have been eating a lot (the Dr said it's just the Chemo). - Or maybe it's that full head of hair I lost! They said it's better that I don't drive myself so Toshiko drove me today and will again tomorrow morning. So don't worry, Mom!



  1. not worry - are you kidding?...I am your MOM!:)
    well...I will pray for you.

  2. Let me know if you're craving anything in particular and I'll send it compliments of J&K! Seriously, please let me know if you need something.
