Thursday, January 14, 2010

Round 2 done!

I'am gettin' out of here this morning. Sorry no post yesterday. There was a lot going on and with frequent adding and changing of different meds. It was a bit tough. I spent just about any free moment sleeping. I did manage to get about 4 solid hours of sleep last night and feel pretty good this morning. I am looking forward to going home and getting some un-interrupted sleep. My red count is down so they will give me a transfusion tomorrow at the clinic. I will also get another spinal tap tomorrow to inject chemo to my spinal cord again. Then, I should have few days off. My white count is not nearly as low as the first round so hopefully I will not spike a fever at home again this time. Also, my platelets are in the normal range still so that is good. I am now 1/4 of the way done!



  1. WAHOOO! Round 2 done and you are on your way! We are praying daily, even little Skye says a prayer for you :) Jason is debating keeping his head shaved for you until yours grows back, what do you think?
    enjoyed our visit yesterday, call me when you get a chance, even if it is a short call I like to hear your voice and updates.

  2. sweet!! eric...keep up the good faith..we miss you
